I would like to share this spazzworthy info I just read from our sister's thread in Soompi. From our last weekend's Min-HOT's FM in Beijing, China there was a question being asked to him....
Emcee: If you are a woman, will you fall in love with Lee Min-ho?
Previously we have translation telling he said, of course since he's the best man and he's good with woman or to woman or something along this line. Turns out, ladies, that translation was 300% wrong! Of course he didn't say it like that, we all know he's a VERY humble person, who is definitely not full of himself

(Though I can't help but to chuckle at him admitting his good look there!

So here's the correct translation, brought to you by my chingu
LaDadaista from MinShin Soompi thread

Such an awesome work not to be shared with you ladies here!
Again, the question was...
Emcee: If you are a woman, will you fall in love with Lee Min-ho?
And his real answer was:
MY WOMAN! Nae Yeoja
So what do you think ladies?

Spazzworthy enough? I have my own opinion about this but I wanna listen to yours first!
LaDadaista from MinShin Soompi and the team behind this amazing work