Hi Sis@Alou68

Been quite busy for still have time for our boy Taec
I'm loving it that all his acting seniors are aware of his crush on Shin Hye and they are seriously teasing him.
A week after the premiere of "Hyung", Taecyeon was a guest DJ in an MBC(?) radio show, the show hosted by his 'Wonderful Days" mom and where he bravely admitted his admiration for Shin Hye and where he was tickled pink when his screen mom told him that he was Shin Hye's ideal as she likes decent men.
His guests were Gong Hyo-Jin and Uhm Ji-Won. Hyo-Jin asked if he was close to the male actors of "Hyung" and when he said "No", it was so obvious that it was Shin Hye who invited him. Knowing this, the actress told him to also watch their movie and when the film reaches 3M then she told Taec he would be their special guest, perhaps in a fan service event to thank the viewers, or else they would expose what they know
Taecyeon was shy talking to his seniors but the two actresses obviously adore him and were comfortable talking to him