April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

elana and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

{actor} FirsT TIme IDATE uLet )

kakauwi Lnq qaLinq skuL ka Haqard PP

{actor} FirsT TIme IDATE uLet )

kakauwi Lnq qaLinq skuL ka Haqard PP

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 13 years ago

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 13 years ago

{actor} ~OuT na po0~

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 13 years ago

April Faith Aliling and {target} are now friends 13 years ago

{actor} OUT na po0 ako mamatz sa mqa naka chaT cko )