swetha is friends with fiey hyenna

fiey hyenna has a new profile cover. 11 years ago
fiey hyenna has a new profile cover. 11 years ago
fiey hyenna has a new profile cover. 11 years ago

fiey hyenna is friends with WishHeart

fiey hyenna is friends with eve

Ternyata aku masih tak bisa berhenti mencintaimu.
ini sangat menyakitkan.
my violinist, I still love you.

fiey hyenna is friends with jesah

fiey hyenna is friends with Nida Khalid

fiey hyenna is friends with Dewi Anggraini

aku akan berhenti mencintaimu mulai detik ini.

Go away from my heart.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

percuma sayang sama kamu kalau kamu sayangnya sama orang lain.

I'm falling for you, but you falling for her. Cant you see the tears in my heart? The pain in my heart??????