Diana and 5 others have liked Group 11 years ago

Thank you! :*

Eline hello!!! why thank you???
thank you for joining
11 years ago

Good Aftie's. :*

who's willing to be my friends?
just add me if you want.
i'm not a stranger person. :0
hahahaha! you should know
me better than what i am guyss.

grace shin has a new profile cover. 11 years ago
grace shin has a new profile cover. 11 years ago
grace shin has a new profile cover. 11 years ago
grace shin has a new profile cover. 11 years ago

grace shin is friends with Park Sung Hye

grace shin is friends with eve

Razan sapkota is friends with grace shin


hey? i'm back.


grace shin is friends with LJYxxx