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TOPIC: 《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323

《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9158

  • Sunny
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Chinese magazine 《歌迷大世界》did an interview with Shin Hye in their March 2010 issue. Below is the article and translation in English.

Note: If you repost any part of the article/translation, please credit www.park-shin-hye.com

導語:結束原來是美男啊的拍攝工作已經好幾個月時間了,朴信惠也已經順利的從充滿感情的高美男的角色中走了出來。送走了高美男的時代,朴信惠又重新回到自 己的天空下。她開始了一段悠閒的休息時光,和朋友們在咖啡店裡見面聚會,和公司的同事們一起打牌,又重新開始學習日語。。。。。爛漫的春光下朴信惠開始享 受人生的歡樂片段。
1、 電視劇結束之後,和ANJELL的成員還有聯繫嗎?

我常和宏基還有根錫哥哥聯繫,因為沒有勇華 的號碼,只能通過電視瞭解他的消息。聽說CNBULE得了第一名,真替他高興。


因為 我和宏基,勇華是同歲,加上之前拍廣告就和根錫哥哥認識了,所以相互之間很快就熟悉了。因為我本人的性格也是大大咧咧的,所以他們都不把我當做女孩子。鴻 基甚至還會說:“信惠,就算我和你單獨出去旅行,肯定都不會出緋聞吧!”我們相互之間就像這樣自然。雖然一天只能睡三四小時,但是卻留下了許多幸福的回 憶。我想不僅是我,其他三位應該也是這麼認為的吧?


那樣的話要見面不是就會很困難嗎? 看看Uee姐姐和宏基的日程表,真的有夠嚇人。要參加綜藝節目,還要參加各種活動,和大家想像的中的可完全不一樣!在電視臺也是很難有機會和歌手見面的, 也沒有其他能夠單獨相處的機會。


沒錯,我以前還曾為李承煥的演唱會伴舞 過。在舞臺上的喜悅是用言語無法表達的,能通過電視劇再次感受,我覺得非常幸福。

5、讓大家最初認識朴信惠的電視劇是天國的階梯,在準備 當歌手的過程中,你怎麼又開始接觸演技了呢?

歌手唱歌也需要有感情,所以就同時接受了公司的演技訓練,但是訓練老師卻一直勸我不要做歌 手,直接當演員好了。所以我參加拍攝了MV,還拍攝了一些畫報。李長秀(天國的階梯)導演一看見我就直接將我列入了演員的名單。如果不是導演大人,我恐怕 現在還是個歌手練習生,會提前放棄也說不定。


那時候真的很傻,讀臺詞都結 結巴巴的,也不知道怎麼去演好哭戲,再怎麼都掉不下眼淚來。導演還說:“瞧瞧吧,多狠毒的孩子啊!”

7、那樣偶然的機會下開始了演技之 路,那你真心接受演技這條路又是什麼時候呢?

天國的階梯之後很辛苦,突然被大家認識,關注,會被拍照片。所以出門的時候我都得戴帽子,那 時候真的想就這樣放棄。但是卻又想:“如果我在這裡放棄的話,一定只會收到別人的嘲笑聲,會聽到別人說我其實就是一個很小孩子氣的小姑娘而已。”所以高一 時拍天國的樹的時候,應該就是我堅持的時候吧。


原來是美男啊和天國的樹。 在李長秀導演的關照下,有幸能在16歲時作為主角拍攝天國的樹,我大概是短篇電視劇裡年齡最小的女主角了吧。在日本拍攝的倆周裡,在雪地裡拍攝可吃了不少 的苦。


好像到現在還沒有什麼特別困難的。和家人的矛盾什麼的總能一下子就理解了, 主要還是對於感情心理的把握比較困難一點,比如對誰拋個可愛的眼神啦,或者向自己喜歡的人表白啦。


不會。不過,及時讓我去交往,現在也沒有男朋友啊!最近常常在經紀 人哥哥面前感歎自己好寂寞,2010年的願望就是找到一個男朋友。在街上看到形形色色的甜蜜情侶,我就會覺得很羡慕。

11、以前交過男朋 友吧?


如果男朋友不先說出要玩什麼的 話,我就會去思考在一起要玩些什麼。我是那種一旦喜歡上誰就會一頭紮進去的類型,是能掏心掏肺的那種,所以往往也最容易受傷。

13、到現 在位置工作中什麼讓你最覺得辛苦?最苦惱的時候是那段?

進入大學的時候。應為很嚮往大學生活,所以我很認真努力的去學校上課,但學校裡的 人卻把我當做被遺忘的人來看,大家還把我與中央大學戲劇電影系的同級生比較。那時候我的一次覺得那麼著急。其實那時候我不是沒有東西可以演,而是想仔細為 自己挑選下一部作品,讓大家看我全新的樣子,所以給自己一些空白期而已。但是周圍的人卻總是問我,‘怎麼不上電視了啊?’每當這個時候,我都會覺得很受 傷。但是現在覺得那時候的經歷很值得,因為大學時候認識了新的朋友,對演技也有了更新的思考。

14、有沒有錯過自己真的很想演的角色的經 曆?

我會在受傷的時候對自己說“好吧,它是不屬於我的。”但那部作品出來而且很受歡迎的時候,我還是會很嫉妒。演員表中最大的障礙就是 “飾小時候”這樣的字樣,其實在天國的階梯的演員表中就沒有“飾小時候”這樣的標示。通過原來是美男啊能擺脫飾演成人小時候的印象,這讓我很開心。

15、 休息時會和朋友都在什麼樣的地方見面呢?


Note: If you repost any part of the article/translation, please credit www.park-shin-hye.com

《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323

Introduction: The filming of <You’re Beautifu>l has already ended for a few months already, and Park Shin Hye has also successfully come out of her role as Go Minam in the drama series. Putting behind the Go Minam times, Park Shin Hye is once again back to her normal life. She has started a relaxing resting period, seeing friends in coffee shops, playing mahjong with her colleagues, taking up Japanese language again……etc. Under the warm, gentle sunlight of Spring, Park Shin Hye is beginning to enjoy some happy times in life.

1. After the drama ended, do you still have contact with other A.N.Jell members?
I am always in contact with Hongki and Keun Suk oppa, but because I don’t have Yong-hwa’s contact number, I can only know about his latest news through the TV. I heard that C.N.Blue has topped the charts lately, I feel really happy for him.

2. You are very happy whenever you are with them, aren’t you?
Because Hongki, Yong-hwa and I are of the same age, plus I have already known Keun Suk oppa since working on a previous CF together, so we got on really well quickly. And because I am quite outgoing personality-wise, so that don’t treat me as a girl. Hongki even mentions sometimes: “Shin Hye, even if you go on a trip with me alone, there won’t be any rumors!” We just get on so naturally. Although I could only sleep for 3-4 hours every day, there are a lot of memorable moments stemming from those days. I think the other three share my opinion on this, too!

3. Have you ever thought of being in a relationship with other celebrities?
If so, wouldn’t it be really difficult to go out on dates? Sometimes when I look at Hongki and Uee unnie’s schedules, I am shocked. They have to take part in variety shows and all sorts of other activities. It’s really different from how everyone perceives a celebrity’s life to be. At TV broadcast stations it’s very difficult to meet other singers, and neither are there any opportunities to meet them alone.

4. When you were still with your old company, you nearly debuted as a singer. After working in this drama, have you had a taste of being a singer?
Yes, I also starred as a dancer at Lee Seung-hwan’s concert before. The happiness and excitement on stage is indescribable. I feel very happy that I could experience it again through the drama.

5. Everyone started to know Park Shin Hye from <Stairway to Heaven>, how come you took up acting in the midst of preparing to debut as a singer?
Because a singer also needs to display emotions in his/her singing, so I took up some acting training, but my coach advised me not to become a singer but to be an actor instead, so I took part in some MV shootings and some CFs. The director of <Stairway in Heaven> took me in as soon as he saw me. If it were not for him, I think I would still be a singing student, or I would have already given up altogether.

6. Your acting in <Stairway to Heaven> was already really good!
I was so clumsy at that time, and stammered when I was reading the lines. I also did not know how to handle crying scenes, and consequently couldn’t make my tears fall down. Even the director jokingly said: “Look! She is such a cruel kid!”

7. Because of that you started your acting career, so when did you really accept this career?
After <Stairway to Heaven> ended, I felt really terrible because suddenly I was in the limelight, people started to know me, follow me, and took pictures. Whenever I went out I needed to wear hats. At that time I really thought of giving up, but I also thought: “If I give up now, I will be laughed at, people will say that I am a really childish girl. So when I took up <Tree in Heaven> in my 1st year of senior high school, I started to persevere.”

8. Among all the dramas you’ve starred in, which is your favourite?
<You’re Beautiful> and <Tree in Heaven>. Under the guidance of Director Lee, I was really lucky to be able to take up the role of female lead in <Tree in Heaven> when I was 16. I was the youngest actress who starred as female lead in that kind of drama series. During the 2-week shooting in Japan, I suffered immensely from the cold snowing areas.

9. Which is the most difficult character you’ve starred as?
Up til now there isn’t a particularly difficult character. Those involving disagreements with family or so are easily solved. Mainly the difficulties aroused from how to grasp the inner emotions of the character, for example to whom I had to give an adorable expression to, or telling my crush that I liked him(in the drama).

10. So that brings us to the saying that “you need to date more to accomplish that easily”, your manager doesn’t allow you to be in relationships?
No he doesn’t restrict me. But even so, I don’t have a boyfriend now! Recently I am always telling my manager oppa that I feel very lonely. My wish in 2010 is to have a boyfriend. When I see sweet couples in the streets, I feel very jealous.

11. You have had been in relationships before, right?
Of course.

12. Like in acting, relationships also requires both parties to guide each other, so sometimes you need to lead your boyfriend, too.
If the boy does not say that where we will go to play beforehand, I will think of what we will play together. I am the kind of girl who contributes 100% when she likes someone. The kind that can give all her heart, so I am prone to being hurt easily.

13. Up til now which position in work makes you feel the most burdened? Which period did you feel particularly down?
When I first got into university, because I was really looking forward to university life, I was very studious and went to classes. But people in school treats me like someone who has to be forgotten, and they also compared me with other students in the same course. That was the first time I felt really anxious. Actually at that time I was not out of a job, I was thinking about which drama to pick that can let people see a more all-rounded side of me, so I was giving myself a short break. But people around me were always asking “Why aren’t you on TV?” I felt very hurt every time I heard that. But now I think that that period was worth experiencing, because I also got to know some new friends and acquired some new thoughts in acting.

14. Have you missed any roles that you would really like to experience?
I always tell myself when I am rejected that “Ok, it doesn’t belong to me.” But when the drama comes out to be really popular, I get envious. The most challenging roles are those that require an actor to “act as a child”. Actually in <Stairway to Heaven> there were no such requirement already. And through <You’re Beautiful> I could finally rid myself from it which makes me really happy.

15. Where do you hangout with friends during your spare time?
There is a café in 千湖洞(East Seoul) where we’ve started to go ever since high school. We always meet there and chat, and we also always hang around places nearby that café to do shootings.

Note: If you repost any part of the article/translation, please credit www.park-shin-hye.com
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9159

  • Karen Ma
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i can finally get on the forum!! Thank you sunny for helping me post the article i was literally crying for help just now because of site maintenance and that my laptop battery died on me

thanks sunny! :)

note : the article contents are similar to mtv girls on top's contents......

Gotta go typing on the tiny kepboard of my blackberry is taking forrevverrr
Last Edit: 14 years 1 month ago by Karen Ma.
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9160

  • lot_lot
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Thank you so much for sharing the translation for this article and all your hard work. I like that Shin Hye is so honest with her responses. So she has been in relationships before and tends to give her all heart when she likes someone.

I'm happy that she is not shy to admit that she is still in contact with both Hong Ki and Geun Suk.
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9161

  • Hailey Nguyen
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Oh God our Shin Hye wants to have a boyfriend in 2010!!!!!!!!!!
I'm soooooo happy!!!!!!!!! xDD *spazz*
There is only 1 person that is in my head when I was reading this enire interview LOL
I hope a special someone will ask you to be his girlfriend this year Shin Hye : )
Thankssss Karen & Sunny!
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9162

  • girlie
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She should have a boyfriend already. My goodeness the girl is 21 years old (20 in Western age). All boys out there who has a crush on her. Take the hint geez. You think she is waiting for a particular person? Wondering, wondering. I hope they hook up already.

Thank you Karren and Sunny for the latest on our Shin Hye.
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9163

  • bianne ong
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13sunshine wrote:
Oh God our Shin Hye wants to have a boyfriend in 2010!!!!!!!!!!
I'm soooooo happy!!!!!!!!! xDD *spazz*
There is only 1 person that is in my head when I was reading this enire interview LOL
I hope a special someone will ask you to be his girlfriend this year Shin Hye : )
Thankssss Karen & Sunny!

My thoughts exactly Sunshine - Chupa Chups!!! Hahaha!

@#1 - "Always" in contact with Renai Jang and Hongstar, huh? But doesn't have Bolmae Jung's number, hmmmm.
Gosh, I just thought of the Chupa Chups ... what if the bucket of lollies Sukkie brought for HK's birthday was from Shin Hye??? Coz Sukkie's gift was the bag! And it would be weird for a guy to bring lollipops at a guy's drinking party. OMO, white day!!!! Ahhhh!!!

@ #2 - Yeah Hong Ki did say that, as stated in other interviews. I bet Sukkie would never say that :P I dunno about YH, since she doesn't have her number. LOL.

@#3 - Funny how she, like, skirted the question. Have you noticed, she didn't really answer it directly? :) She just said it would be difficult.

@#9 - Ahhh the telling the crush thing, I think that's for YB. :)

@#10 - OMO, she wants to have a boyfriend... "This person"... That's like a direct hint, if ever there was one. Go for it!!! :lol:

@#11 - I wonder who....

Thanks Sunny and Karen ... :) Sunny, I am soooo happy you posted this.

(= I admit I fell in love twice - the first time was with you, the second was with the person you became when you were finally mine. =)
Last Edit: 14 years 1 month ago by bianne ong.
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9164

  • gonnabeme
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Tq Sunny n Karen for everything, u bring so much happiness to me!

Lot of things to comment.. But I like d facts dat she admit to contact Hongki n Geunsuk quite often. N she target to hv boyfren this year! Yeaaaayyyy

B back to comment more

dun worry, b happy.. :)
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9165

  • girlie
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Maize, you really are the spazz queen. You are the only one I know who can read between the lines and analyze every word and details. Keep it up. Thank you for a breasting us of all what their answers reveal. It is so much fun reading.
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9168

  • Liu Si Ying
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I'm so happy that her manager doest restrict her and she WANTS a boyfriend. *HINT HINT MASSIVE HINT* LOL!

god we should of sent JGS's face to SH on White day. LOL!
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Re:《歌迷大世界》Vol. 323 14 years 1 month ago #9169

  • ishtargoddess
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bianne ong wrote:

My thoughts exactly Sunshine - Chupa Chups!!! Hahaha!

@#1 - "Always" in contact with Renai Jang and Hongstar, huh? But doesn't have Bolmae Jung's number, hmmmm.

Maize, i think i know why she doesn't have Yong Hwa's number...because he doesn't have a cellphone! At least during their debut...that's what i read from soompi. They said the management banned them from having cellphones when they were starting out. Now that he's in WGM, he seems to be carrying around a cellphone already so maybe the ban was already lifted. And who knows, maybe he can get around in contacting his friends now, like Shin Hye. :)

I agree with Tita Girlie, you are the ultimate spazz queen. you are infectious. :lol:

I knew it, that girl must have had a boyfriend already, at least once. She looks exactly like how she describes herself -- someone who gives her all and is easily hurt. Aww...maybe she'll have a bf this spring. :)
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