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TOPIC: [MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!!

[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 8 months ago #104102

  • izzatjaafar
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Salam Mesra

I'm Izzat, from Kuala Lumpur. :-V
Starting to follow Shin Hye after watched Heartstrings and after that The Heirs :bingo:
Gyu Won,Eun Sang really touch my feeling and I drowning in tears :touched
I really wish Park Shin Hye will visit Malaysia someday and to the others PSH MY fans nice to meet you all :-V

until then :bye:
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 8 months ago #104108

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Hello Izzat,
you are fan of Heir too.
Welcome to our community.
I welcome you to join us in MinHye thread and other lovely thread too.
Let make friend with the beautiful people here.
You will love them.
I hope one day I can visit your city. :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V
Love is You.
Last Edit: 9 years 8 months ago by kimloveeun.
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 7 months ago #110422

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AssaIamuaIaikum everyone..

Just want to wish my MaIaysian sisters, Happy HoIiday.

Take care aIways since monsoon season is now happening! (teruknya bahasa Inggeris Akak huh!!!)

CaIIing to my MaIaysian Sisters and Bro.

Just want to repost this:
Calling for everyone...
I wish more guest, Iurker and siIent reader be our new donor.
Everyone can be a donor. You do not have to Iog in to donate.
Thanks in advance.

harap ada sudi jadi penderma. setiap $ dihargai.

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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 7 months ago #110630

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Kepada semua yang membaca mesej ini.
Tidak kira anda M'sian, Brunei, S'porean ataupun Indonesian.
Diharap ada yang sudi jadi penderma.
Masih perlukan USD70.


Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera

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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 6 months ago #111312

  • Nicole Park
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Malaysia floods prompt mass evacuations

Over 100,000 people have been evacuated from parts of northern Malaysia amid the heaviest floods in decades.

The Malaysia Red Crescent Society says the water levels in the affected areas are still rising.

Disaster Management Chairman with the Society, Dr Bahari Abu Mansor, described the situation to Olga Klepova.



i hope elana and family will be okay. our sister and brothers in there are okay.and i hope government will take an action over. and i really wish everything was undercontrol.
aja sis.! @elana
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 6 months ago #111324

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ThanKs so much NicoIe Sweetie..

ThanKs GOD, me and the rest of famiIy are aII safe. Now, in my pIace a bit darK and cIoudy.
The area that affected with heavy fIood are northen and east coast. The fIood happen every year, but this year is heaviest ( as it stated in NicoIe post!)
Iet pray for everyone safety.

ThanKs again for pray...We beIieved AIIah is protect us!!!
And we wiII survive.
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 4 months ago #117407

  • klm_adebayor
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Hi semue specially kak elana.. lame dah x write kat forum ni.. harap forum ni masih aktif.. dlu slalu sembang psl arsenal dgn kak elana kat cni.. teringat forum ni mse lpas tgk cter pinocchio..
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 4 months ago #117410

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Adik Ahmad,
kalau ada masa datang selalu jenguk Akak kat sini.
dah tak der sapa nak sembang pasai Arsenal..kadang Arsengal dik!!
Kita sembang lagi nanti... nak lari ke Gleanegal Hospital, my best friend sakit.
Assalamualaikum Adik.
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 4 months ago #118672

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AssaIamuakum Adik2..
This is for myseIf hehehe..
My eng and grammar are suck !!

Like many other languages in the world, Grammar constitutes a large part of English and if you fail Grammar, you fail English. Nevertheless, Grammar is a very complex and convoluted section that many have problems coping with.

Grammar is taught directly to students in very distinctive parts. For example, tenses, pronouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Some students are able to connect the topics and create an English network in their brain thus they are capable of using them the right way. But those who cannot see the link between these separate aspects may fail to master English. These are the basic common errors that my students and people around me often make.

Then is used to say 'after that', meaning a subsequent action taken after a first is done. For example:
I am going to eat now. Then I will take a shower.Than is used for comparisons. It is used after a comparative adjective. For example:
Marie is taller than her sister.


Many is used for countable nouns whereas much refers to uncountable nouns. For example:
I have many friends. (because we can count our friends)
I love my mother very much. (because we cannot count love)

Thought is something you have in mind while taught is the past tense for teach. Examples:
I thought you weren't coming.
Mrs. Tan taught me Grammar in school today.


Lose is the opposite (antonym) of win. You'd say 'I am not going to lose'. However, loose implies the opposite of tight. For example, 'The pants is too loose for me'.

Affect is a verb while effect is a noun. You use affect when somebody or something influences another. For example:
The weather affects my mood today.
Effect, on the other hand, is the consequences of somebody's action or an occurrence. Using the above example:
The effect of a bad weather is a bad mood.


When do you use 'S' or 'C'?
NOUN: practice, advice
VERB: practise, advise
I am going to_practise_my piano later.
I have piano_practice_later.
My sister advises me not to skip class.
My sister gave me a good advice.

Always use the ORIGINAL form of word after the above words. You can't say 'I am going to ate my lunch' or 'I should bought the computer'.
Example of original form of a word: BREAK and NOT breaks, breaking or broke

8. I / ME

'I' should be used as the subject of a sentence while 'me' is an object in a sentence. Usually, the subject is used in front of a sentence or phrase (the person performing the action) while object is used at the back of a sentence or phrase (an action is done towards the person). For example,
I am going to work. (The person I is doing the action of going to work)
My boss will bring me for lunch today. (Bring is the action done towards me)

I was wondering if I should highlight this but this seems to be a pretty serious mistake done by most people, especially those who love using short forms on the internet or via text messages.
As obvious as it is, 'your' is a pronoun that carries a meaning of possession while 'you're' is the short for 'you are'.

This is very severe mistake done by my students who are still unable to differentiate the three even after years of learning English.

They're refers to "They are" which could be followed by a verb, noun or adjective. For example:
VERB: They're eating.
NOUN: They're students.
ADJECTIVE: They're tall.

Their is a pronoun used to refer possession to a group of people. For example:
The girls love their mothers._'Their' here refers to the girls._
There is an adverb to point to a specific place or to generalize something within a bounded area. For example:
There is a kitten in the box._A specific place - box_
There are many place in the supermarket._A bounded area - supermarket_

11. ITS / IT'S

The usage of its and it's tells me how vast the difference an apostrophe makes.

Its is a pronoun used to refer possession to an animal, baby of unknown gender or a non-living thing. For example,
The cat is licking its tail._'Its' here refers to the cat._

It's simply means it is.


When you intend to say "one of the", the noun that follows must be plural. For example:One of the boys in my class, One of the children here, etc.


I've seen people using probably as properly and vice versa.Probably = maybe, perhaps
Properly = doing it the right or correct wayThere are many more but these are the very basic ones.Thank you for reading!

Good day and PIeasant Evening Everyone :heartsh: :heartsh: :heartsh: :heartsh:
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[MY] Malaysian? Sini sini!! 9 years 4 months ago #120099

  • blackmoon_boyz
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Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

semoga dilimpahi keberkatan dan kesihatan kepada smua warga PSHIC Malaysia, :heartsh:

kak elena apa khabar ? :-V Im still here, as always just as passive member.

saya skrg bljr degree di shah alam dan saya memilih korea sbg bahasa ketiga saya horeee :piggyrabbit

jujur sy ckp bhs korea nie x bole dikatakan sng atau x bole dikatakan susah
sbb bahasa korea nie lebih kpd bunyi pada mulut cth mcm kt bwh nie


paling menarik bg saya, bahasa korea nie bunyi deep or bright pada vowel dia sbb ikut arah matahari (kata lecturer saya)

try baca sejarah penulisan korea nie x silap inspirasi penulisan korea dr dia nie -> kim sejong

haaa sebut pasal park shin hye, slps tgk die dlm citer the heir dan pinnochio, saya rase die lg lawa rambut panjang


citer heartstring dlu tue x brapa comel la dia

ok tu jer la kot, just wish me luck in my study :willing

luv all :bye:
Really love to see Shin Hye's smile
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