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TOPIC: Princess and the Pauper (Completed)

Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2095

  • almontel
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uh oh....what a fake stepmom she's got...i'm sure she's a goldigger with that kind of attitude...and hopefully her dad will see her true colors before father and daughter break their ties!

poor Mi Na, i'm sure her stepmom will convince her dad to even cut off his financial resp to MN!!! aiyoooooooooooooo.....

i can't wait to see what will be up next! thanks!
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2103

  • Jessicaaron619
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Chapter 28
Having nowhere to go, Mi Na decided that she should head to Dong Sun’s apartment to discuss her options. However, upon further consideration, she figured that it would be best for her to see Dong Sun only after she had calmed down. Pulling to the side of the road, Mi Na sat in her car and thought about the heated exchange, which she had just had with her father.

Recalling the hurt expressions on her father’s face during their fight, Mi Na began to regret her decision to leave the house. With her out of the way; her stepmother would have free reign of the house, which Mi Na supposed was what the woman had ultimately wanted. Before Mi Na could dwell any further on her current predicament, she heard the incessant ringing sound of her cell phone.

Mi Na pulled her phone out of her purse and saw that it was Dong Sun calling her. Since it was already past midnight, Mi Na guessed that her father had already called him looking for her. Answering the phone, Mi Na said, “You can save your breath. I’m not going home.” Familiar with Mi Na’s stubbornness, Dong Sun replied, “I know, but where are you now?” Mi Na looked around and said, “I don’t know, I’m on the side of the road somewhere.” Upon hearing her response, Dong Sun became increasingly worried and asked, “Are you going to come over here or do I need to go out and look for you?” Pausing slightly, Mi Na finally replied, “Don’t get all worked up. I’ll come over now.”

Driving up to Dong Sun’s apartment, Mi Na was surprised to see him pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. Checking her reflection in the rear view mirror, Mi Na knew that Dong Sun would be worried when he saw her puffy eyes. As she alighted from her car, Mi Na called out to him and walked over to where he stood. Observing her face, Dong Sun asked, “Don’t you know that it’s dangerous to drive when you’re crying?” Biting her lower lip, Mi Na looked at Dong Sun and replied, “That’s why I pulled to the side of the road. You’re the one that made me drive over here.”

Taking off his jacket, Dong Sun wrapped it around her shoulders and asked, “Why didn’t you even grab a jacket before running out of your house?” Holding up her purse, Mi Na replied, “This is all I could take with me before that horrible woman chased me out of the house.” Shaking his head, Dong Sun said, “Your father told me that you’re the one who stormed out of the house. How can you say anyone chased you out?” With a pout Mi Na replied, “You weren’t even there, so you don’t know what happened.” Knowing that Mi Na was eager to tell her side of the story; Dong Sun sighed and said, “Let’s go back upstairs, it’s cold out here. You can tell me what really happened when we get into the apartment.”

As they made their way into the living room, Mi Na looked around and asked, “Where’s In-Su?” Dong Sun closed the door behind them and replied, “He’s in his room.” Without another word, Mi Na walked to In-Su’s room and knocked on the door. Wondering what she as doing, Dong Sun asked, “Why are you bothering him?” Mi Na looked over at Dong Sun and replied, “I want to tell him what just happened.” Confused, Dong Sun asked, “Why can’t you just tell me?” To which, Mi Na replied, “Because I need someone who’s objective. You’re just going to take my father’s side.”

In-Su opened his door and was surprised to see that Mi Na had returned. Upon observing her red, puffy eyes, In-Su grabbed her hand and led her to the couch to see what was bothering her. Glancing over at his brother, In-Su asked, “Did hyung do something to make you mad?” Shaking his head, Dong Sun sat down on the couch and replied, “I didn’t do anything. Little miss run away, over there, just had a big fight with her father.” Shocked to hear the news, In-Su asked, “Did your evil stepmother do something to you?” Nodding her head, Mi Na replied, “Yes, she did. I came home and she was in my room saying this and that. Then she made herself look like the victim when my father came home.” In-Su narrowed his eyes and said, “I knew that woman was trouble.”

Folding his arms, Dong Sun observed, “Yeah, he’s really objective.” Staring at Dong Sun, Mi Na asked, “You don’t believe me do you?” Contemplating Mi Na’s question, Dong Sun replied, “I believe that you think that she did something bad, but you might have misinterpreted the situation. Plus, you’re probably still upset that your father has gotten remarried, right?” Furious at Dong Sun’s insinuations, Mi Na stood up, grabbed her purse and said, “I’m not going to stay here either. I hate people who don’t believe me!”

Before she could make it to the door, Dong Sun grabbed her by the arm and asked, “Where are you going now?” Shrugging her shoulders, Mi Na replied, “I’m going to sleep outside on the streets. What’s it to you?!” Shaking his head, Dong Sun forced her to sit and said, “Please stop being so childish. You know that I believe you, but I don’t want you to do anything that you’re going to regret later.”

Realizing that she was being difficult, Mi Na said, “If you were there, you would know that she’s really two-faced. Anyways, I don’t want to go home anymore. Are you going to let me stay here with you or not?” Seeing the miserable expression on Mi Na’s face, Dong Sun nodded his head and replied, “Of course you can stay here.” As she smiled at him, Dong Sun suggested, “Why don’t you go and wash your face, I’ll get you some clean clothes to wear.” Mi Na smiled, kissed him on the cheek and said, “Thank you.”

As Mi Na walked away towards the restroom, Dong Sun looked at his brother and said, “I’ll stay in your room while she stays here.” In-Su nodded and replied, “That’s fine, but I think you should trust sister-in-law. I’ve seen this a million times, the evil stepmother will try to torture her if she stays at home.” Staring blankly at In-Su, Dong Sun observed, “This isn’t Cinderella, there’s no evil stepmother in this story.” In-Su shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Sister-in-law has been really trying to get along with her stepmother. So I really don’t see her just going off the deep end to pick a huge fight like this, right?” Contemplating In-Su’s question, Dong Sun wondered if any of Mi Na’s current troubles were a result of being with him.

Remembering that In-Su had an early class the next morning, Dong Sun suggested that he go back to bed. When he was alone in the living room, Dong Sun called Mi Na’s father to tell him that Mi Na was currently staying at his apartment. Mi Na’s father was relieved to hear that she was safe and said, “I think it’s best if she stays with you until she calms down. I have no idea how to handle Mi Na when she’s like this.” Dong Sun agreed that Mi Na would need some time to cool off and promised that he would take care of her while she was away from home. As a final request, Mi Na’s father asked, “Could you please come up with a way to get her to come home?” Dong Sun sighed and replied, “It’s going to be pretty hard to convince her, but I’ll try my best.”

When Dong Sun heard the door to the restroom open, he quickly hung up the phone and turned to Mi Na to say, “You can sleep in my room and I’ll go sleep with In-Su.” Walking over to Dong Sun, Mi Na hugged him and said, “Thank you for being with me during this difficult time.” Tightening his grip on Mi Na, Dong Sun replied, “I’ll always be here for you.” Taking her by the hand; Dong Sun led her into his bedroom, took out a long pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and said, “You can wear this to sleep tonight.” Taking the clothes from Dong Sun, Mi Na asked, “Will you go to my father’s house to get my stuff tomorrow?”

With a serious expression on his face, Dong Sun inquired again, “Are you really sure you don’t want to go home?” Mi Na nodded her head and replied, “I’m sure. There’s no way I’m going back there. Plus my father already said I can’t go back if I left.” Dong Sun sighed and observed, “Your father didn’t mean that. I’m sure he wants you to come home.” Exhausted, Mi Na sat down on Dong Sun’s bed and said, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Can you just let me go to sleep?”

Seeing the tired expression on Mi Na’s face, Dong Sun replied, “Okay. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. If you’re still sure you don’t want to go home tomorrow, I’ll go and get your things from your house.” Leaving the room, Dong Sun walked out into the living room and began to worry that Mi Na would never be willing to swallow her pride to go home. Knowing that there was nothing he could do at the moment, Dong Sun decided that he would discuss the situation with her father tomorrow when he went to retrieve her belongings.
Last Edit: 14 years 6 months ago by Kay.
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2107

  • jaimejks-psh
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Woohoo, that was fast. Yay!!
All I can say is, I love In-Su!!
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2235

  • almontel
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of course Insu has to side with her...i had a big smile on my face when she went looking for Insu just so she can get someone 'Objective' ha ha ha...
i hope the evil stepmom doesn't do anything evil again...tsk tsk tsk..
thanks for updating!!!
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2244

  • Jessicaaron619
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Chapter 29
Even though the previous day had been extremely eventful, Mi Na still found herself waking up particularly early the next morning. Seeing that Dong Sun and In-Su were still asleep, Mi Na decided that she would try to cook them breakfast. She figured that eggs and toast would be the most fool proof choices and set out to prepare the meal. Much to her distress, Mi Na soon discovered that preparing even the simplest of dishes was way too advanced for her non-existent domestic abilities. Awakened by the sound of Mi Na’s squeals, Dong Sun and In-Su rushed into the kitchen to find her hunched over a pan full of burned eggs on the floor.

Looking up at the brothers, Mi Na pouted and said, “I tried.” As he helped her up, Dong Sun smiled and replied, “I can see that.” Shooing her away, Dong Sun said, “Do me a favor and go sit over there while I clean up this mess.” As Dong Sun wiped the floor, Mi Na turned to In-Su and said, “He’s making me feel worse by doing that. I’m capable of cleaning up my own mess.” With a reassuring smile on his face, In-Su replied, “Don’t take it personally, hyung always thinks that it’s best if he cleans up other people’s messes.”

Re-focusing her attention onto Dong Sun, Mi Na observed, “But maybe he should give me a chance to decide for myself what’s best.” After giving careful consideration to Mi Na’s statement, In-Su finally replied, “But if he did that, then he wouldn’t be the classic male Korean drama lead.” Seeing the confused expression on Mi Na’s face, In-Su explained, “You know, the alpha male, who thinks he’s acting in the best interest of everyone else in the drama.” Amused by In-Su’s constant references to Korean dramas, Mi Na played along and asked, “Doesn’t that always just cause more problems?” Nodding his head, In-Su replied, “It sure does.”

When Dong Sun had finished cleaning up the kitchen, he proceeded to take a seat by Mi Na and asked if she was still unwilling to go home. Just as was to be expected, Mi Ma quickly informed him that she was resolved to never go home again. Knowing that he could not convince her otherwise, Dong Sun reluctantly agreed to go to her house to get her belongings. Relieved that he was not going to force her to go home, Mi Na said cheerfully, “I’ll have a surprise waiting for you when you get back.” With a worried expression on his face, Dong Sun asked, “Are you going to try to cook again?” Not amused, Mi Na shook her head and asked gruffly, “After what happened this morning, do you think I’d have the nerve to try that again?” Ignoring Mi Na’s sarcasm, Dong Sun smiled and playfully teased, “Alright, try not to burn the apartment building down before I get back.”

Having been teased enough, Mi Na quickly ushered him out of the apartment to go pick up her things. As he pulled up to the front of Mi Na’s house, Dong Sun was surprised to see her father standing on the porch with a large suitcase in his hands. Upon spotting Dong Sun, Mi Na’s father hurriedly made his way over to the car and asked, “Is Mi Na still very angry with me?” Nodding his head slightly, Dong Sun replied, “She just needs a little time to calm down.” Contemplating Dong Sun’s response, Mi Na’s father sighed and observed remorsefully, “I should have handled things better yesterday. While I was trying to protect my new wife, I completely forgot about my fatherly responsibilities to Mi Na.”

Seeing the discomfort on his face, Dong Sun promised Mi Na’s father that he would try to talk some sense into Mi Na while she stayed with him. Before Mi Na’s father could express his gratitude to Dong Sun, his wife tapped him on the shoulder and said, “We’re going to be late if we don’t leave now.” Realizing that he had not explained himself, Mi Na’s father said, “My wife’s family is dealing with some issues in the states; so we’re headed over there now to help them.” Upon hearing the news, Dong Sun wondered how Mi Na would react to her father’s decision to leave during this difficult period in their relationship. At his wife’s insistence, Mi Na’s father bid Dong Sun farewell and asked him to take care of Mi Na during his absence. Dong Sun readily agreed to her father’s request before excusing himself to go get Mi Na’s belongings.

After packing everything that Mi Na had asked for, Dong Sun made his way out of the closet and was taken aback to see her stepmother enter the room. Observing the wary expression on Dong Sun’s face, Mi Na’s stepmother smiled and said, “Don’t worry I’m not going to do anything to you. I only came in here to pass along a message.” Dong Sun paused slightly before asking, “What message?” Mi Na’s stepmother handed him a business card and replied, “There’s someone who wants to meet you at that location today at 1:00 PM. The meeting concerns your precious Song Mi Na, so I suggest that you arrive on time.” Without another word, Mi Na’s stepmother exited the room leaving Dong Sun behind to wonder what was going on. Having witnessed her stepmother’s altered demeanor for himself; Dong Sun realized that Mi Na’s assessment of the woman was absolutely correct.

Although, Dong Sun was not sure what to expect from the pre-arranged meeting, he was sure that he would need to go since it concerned Mi Na. When he arrived at the designated meeting location, Dong Sun instantly recognized Young Jae’s car and considered leaving right away. Before he could do so, Young Jae stepped out of the car and asked, “You aren’t even going to hear what I have to say?” Ignoring Young Jae’s question, Dong Sun countered, “What could you have to say that is of any interest to me?” With unaffected smile, Young Jae asked, “So what do you think? Isn’t Mi Na’s stepmother a dead ringer for her real mother? I really had to look high and low for her, but I think it’s worth it. I’ve never seen Song Ji Hwa so worked up over a woman before.”

Astonished by Young Jae’s admission, Dong Sun walked over to him and angrily grabbed his shirt before asking, “What are you trying to do?!” Breaking free from Dong Sun’s grasp, Young Jae replied, “I’m trying to take back what’s rightfully mine.” Shaking his head in disbelief, Dong Sun asked, “Do you really think that you’re going to get Mi Na back by ruining her relationship with her father?” With a surprisingly impassioned tone, Young Jae replied, “I’m only driving her father away so she can realize how much she needs the finer things in life. If it wasn’t for you, would I have to do all of this? A few years ago, Mi Na wouldn’t have even given you a second glance, but because of my mistake, she’s now lowered herself to your pathetic level.”

Even though Young Jae’s tactics were clearly misguided, Dong Sun had to admit that Young Jae’s feelings for Mi Na could rival his own. Addressing Young Jae with an empathetic tone, Dong Sun said, “I understand that Mi Na’s very important to you, but like you said, you made a mistake and because of that she’s moved on. If you love her as much as I suspect that you do, you should let her go.” Regaining his composure, Young Jae opened his car door, took out a letter and handed it to Dong Sun. Holding the letter in his hand, Dong Sun asked, “What’s this?” To which, Young Jae explained, “That’s the letter Mi Na sent to me after we broke up. When you read it, you’ll understand why she’s with you.”

Opening the letter, Dong Sun immediately recognized Mi Na’s handwriting and proceeded to read it closely. Although, the content of Mi Na’s letter dealt a severe blow to his confidence in their relationship; Dong Sun could not believe that she was only with him to get back at Young Jae. He knew that Mi Na would never go out of her way to date someone poor just to prove a point to Young Jae. Rejecting everything he had just read, Dong Sun handed the letter back to Young Jae and said, “Mi Na has changed a lot since she wrote that letter. She’s learned to respect other people and has developed an appreciation for the simpler things in life.”

Although, he resigned himself to the fact that Mi Na had changed, Young Jae asked Dong Sun pointedly, “Even if she’s willing to spend the rest of her life with you in poverty, don’t you love her enough to want the best for her?” Staring blankly at Young Jae, Dong Sun replied, “I don’t plan on keeping her in poverty. I’m working hard to make a better life for both of us.” With a slight scoff, Young Jae asked, “So while you’re working hard, is Mi Na supposed to subsist only on the strength of your love?” Seeing Dong Sun’s non-responsiveness, Young Jae left him with a parting sentiment by asking, “If Mi Na develops the same heart condition that took her mother’s life, will your love pay her hospital bills? Can you honestly say that you’re the best person to take care of Mi Na’s needs?” Utterly speechless, Dong Sun began to wonder if he was hurting Mi Na by remaining by her side.
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Last Edit: 14 years 6 months ago by Kay.
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2247

  • Kay
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Things are getting spicy ^^;;
I was wondering why did the step-mom come out of no where to cause such a situation
Now it makes sense.
All this time, YJ was so quiet and passive toward MN, he is playing hard this time
I hope that DS not leaving MN because of the letter
That'd break her heart, 2 of the most important men in her life leave her at once
I really don't think fragile MN can take it

Btw, thank you for the update!!
Love your story as always^^
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2288

  • yozo217
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no!!! don't listen to him dong sun! young jae is a jerk!
lol, dat ending got me so worked up. :P
dong sun don't leave mi na!
thanx 4 da update btw! :)
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2291

  • jaimejks-psh
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waaaa, no Dong Sun, don't listen to Young Jae.
Trust and believe in your love. That will pull you through the toughest times in your relationship.
Gosh, I really hate Young Jae now.
And Mi Na has a heart condition?
Oh no, please don't end this on a sad note...wait, I forgot, this is a romcom so the ending is happy.

Thanks jessicaaron619 for the update.
Can't wait for more.
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2469

  • Jessicaaron619
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Chapter 30

Shortly after Dong Sun had left earlier that morning, Mi Na made her way downstairs to get the surprise, which she had promised to give him. Although, her first inclination was to take a taxi to her intended destination; Mi Na ultimately decided to take the bus, as a means of proving to herself, that she could adjust to Dong Sun’s normal way of life. Mi Na became increasingly frustrated when she was unable to figure out, from the posted multi-colored routes, which buses she would need to take to get to the coffee house.

Finally at her wits end, Mi Na realized that she could call In-Su to get the directions. Even though, In-Su was surprised to hear that Mi Na was going to be taking the bus; he readily provided her with the correct route, and patiently repeated himself, when it was clear that she did not understand what he was saying. After she was finally comfortable with In-Su’s directions, Mi Na waited anxiously for her bus to arrive. Upon identifying the correct bus number, Mi Na cautiously boarded the vehicle and asked the driver how she should pay the fare. Without bothering to look at her, the driver pointed towards a big box by his seat and said, “Put the exact change in there.” Mi Na nodded her head to acknowledge his response and was happy to discover that she had the exact change for the fare.

Sitting down, at the only available seat, next to an elderly woman; Mi Na smiled awkwardly when she realized that the woman was staring at her. Seeing the discomfort on Mi Na’s face, the elderly woman asked, “Is this your first time taking the bus?” Mi Na turned to the woman and politely replied, “Yes, this is my first time.” Upon hearing Mi Na’s response, the elderly woman pulled out a small pocket-sized directory from her purse and said, “Here take this, it should help you get back home.” Taking the directory from the woman, Mi Na smiled and said, “Thank you.” With an endearing smile on her face, the elderly woman replied, “You’re very welcome. I just love helping frugal young people who know the value of money. My wasteful grandchildren always say that it’s embarrassing to take the bus and just pay those crazy taxi fares instead.” Mi Na had never been called frugal in her entire life and found that the compliment was surprisingly flattering.

After arriving at the coffee shop, Mi Na purchased an entire coffee cake and happily boarded another bus to return home. Since she had to transfer onto several different buses, Mi Na began to worry, that she would not arrive home before Dong Sun. Much to her delight, Mi Na saw Dong Sun making his way down the sidewalk just as her bus pulled up to the apartment building. Getting off the bus, Mi Na called out to him asking, “Dong Sun, you’re back?” Upon hearing Mi Na’s voice, Dong Sun turned around to see her take her final step off of the bus. With a surprised expression on his face, Dong Sun asked, “Why were you on the bus?” Mi Na held up the newly purchased box of coffee cake and replied cheerfully, “Because I went to buy this for you.”

Observing the gift in Mi Na’s hand, Dong Sun was at a loss for words and could do nothing but stare at her in disbelief. Seeing the blank expression on Dong Sun’s face, Mi Na asked, “Don’t you like your surprise?” To which Dong Sun countered, “Why didn’t you just wait for me to come home? I could have driven you to the coffee house. It takes nearly two hours to get there and back when you take the bus.” With a slight chuckle, Mi Na grabbed Dong Sun’s arm and asked, “If I waited for you to come back, then how could I surprise you?” Pulling his arm from Mi Na’s grasp, Dong Sun replied, “I don’t need you to surprise me, if it means that you have to endure such hardships.” Confused by Dong Sun’s strange response, Mi Na asked, “What are you talking about?” Not allowing him to respond, Mi Na continued to say, “Like you said before, taking the bus isn’t that bad. I was even complimented by this old lady on the bus.”

With a weak smile, Dong Sun ushered Mi Na into the apartment building, as he proclaimed, “Of course she would compliment my thoughtful girlfriend.” As they walked up the stairs, Mi Na asked Dong Sun if he had run into any problems while getting her things at the house. Dong Sun replied that he had not run into anything problematic, but hesitated before telling Mi Na about her father’s decision to go to the states to help his wife’s family. Upon hearing the news, Mi Na was slightly upset to discover that her father had chosen his new wife over her, but realized that it was only natural for him to do so.

Using a rather serious tone, Mi Na asked, “Dong Sun, do you think that I was wrong to treat my father like that?” Not answering Mi Na’s question, Dong Sun turned to her and inquired, “Why? Do you think that you were wrong?” Mi Na shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I’m not sure. But I think that it must be hard for him to try to please both of us.” With a heavy sigh, Mi Na continued, “I’ve never admitted this before, but I think that my stepmother bears a striking resemblance to my real mother. I wonder if my father decided to marry her because of that.”

Dong Sun stopped dead in his tracks when he heard Mi Na’s assessment and watched as she continued to make her way up the stairs. Seeing that Dong Sun was not by her side, Mi Na turned around and asked, “What’s wrong?” Unwilling to upset Mi Na with what he knew about her stepmother, Dong Sun shook his head and replied, “Nothing’s wrong. My foot is just asleep.” Mi Na walked back to where Dong Sun stood, smiled and said, “You can lean on me until your foot wakes up.” Placing his arm around Mi Na’s shoulder, Dong Sun shifted his weight and replied, “Good thing you’re here with me.”

When they entered the apartment, Mi Na suggested that Dong Sun go change his clothes before she made her way into the kitchen to put away the coffee cake. Not wanting to be apart from her, Dong Sun followed Mi Na into the kitchen and asked, “Can we have some coffee cake now?” Mi Na smiled, nodded her head and replied, “Sure, if you want.” Dong Sun watched as she grabbed two plates and forks for the coffee cake.

As he looked to the corner of the counter top, Dong Sun noticed several credit cards sprawled out. Walking over to the mess, Dong Sun sifted through the plastic cards and asked, “Mi Na what did you do to your credit cards?” Mi Na looked over at the pile of cards and replied, “I cut them up.” Confused, Dong Sun asked, “Why did you do that?” While placing a piece of coffee cake on a plate, Mi Na replied, “Because I don’t want to use my father’s money anymore. I can make my own money.”

Dong Sun wondered if Mi Na had carefully considered what she was getting herself into and asked, “Are you really going to be okay living like this?” Not quite understanding Dong Sun’s question, Mi Na countered, “Are you saying that you think that I can’t make it on my own?” Seeing Dong Sun’s non-responsiveness, Mi Na placed the plate of coffee cake down and walked out of the room. Seeing that he had upset her, Dong Sun hurried his pace to catch up to her and asked, “Are you mad at me?” Staring blankly at Dong Sun, Mi Na replied, “Of course I’m mad at you. I don’t care if everyone else in the world doubts my abilities, but I can’t accept it when even you think that way!”

Before she could walk away, Dong Sun wrapped his arms around her and embraced her tightly. Slightly appeased by Dong Sun’s affectionate behavior, Mi Na asked, “Can you try to believe in me?” After taking a deep breath, Dong Sun finally replied, “I’ve always believed in you. But I just think that you deserve to live the best kind of life. After all you’re Song Mi Na.” Furrowing her brows, Mi Na observed, “Dong Sun, you sure are acting weird.” Breaking free from their embrace, Dong Sun replied, “I know. I don’t feel quite like myself today.”

With a concerned expression on her face, Mi Na asked, “Are you sick? Do you want me to take you to see a doctor?” Dong Sun smiled and replied, “I’m not sick. But I do have the sudden urge to go out on a date with you tonight.” Upon hearing Dong Sun’s response, Mi Na beamed and asked, “Where are we going?” Contemplating her question, Dong Sun finally asked, “How about we go on a picnic by the Jungnangcheon River?” Nodding her head, Mi Na replied, “That sounds good.” With a teasing smile, Mi Na continued, “But I wonder why you’re always having me eat outside when we go on our dates.”

After packing a simple picnic, Dong Sun and Mi Na headed to the Jungnangcheon River for their date. Once they had finished eating the food, which they had brought along, Dong Sun suggested that they take a stroll down the riverbank. After making it a short distance, Mi Na turned to Dong Sun and asked, “Doesn’t this remind you of the beach on Jeju Island?” Dong Sun looked out at the river and replied, “Not really. This river is not as nice as the beach.” Mi Na shook her head and said, “I know that, but it has the same kind of romantic feeling.” Before Dong Sun could respond, Mi Na continued, “I really want to go back there for our honeymoon.” Shocked by Mi Na’s statement, Dong Sun stopped and asked, “What did you say?” Mi Na smiled bashfully and replied, “I said we should go to Jeju Island for our honeymoon.” Taking her by the hand, Dong Sun asked, “Would you really be willing to marry someone like me?”

Mi Na was confused by the surprised expression on Dong Sun’s face and asked, “Do you really think I could marry anyone else?” Unable to come up with a response, Dong Sun stood dumbfounded. Thinking that she had scared him by bringing up the subject of marriage, Mi Na quickly clarified, “I’m not saying that we should get married right away. I just hope that eventually you’ll want to marry me.” Contemplating Mi Na’s statements, Dong Sun thought to himself, “Sometimes it’s not enough to want something. I still have to consider whether what I want is what’s best for you.”

Realizing that his silence was making Mi Na nervous, Dong Sun asked, “Why do you want to go to Jeju Island?” Mi Na smiled and replied, “Because that’s where I experienced a lot of firsts with you.” Seeing that he did not fully understand her response, Mi Na explained, “Jeju Island is the place where you first held me by the waist, when you saved me from falling into the stream. It’s also the place where you first cooked me dinner, gave me a present, kissed me and most importantly it’s the place where I first realized that I liked you.” Touched by Mi Na’s response, Dong Sun hugged her tightly and wished that he would never have to let go.

Feeling slightly suffocated by Dong Sun’s tight grasp, Mi Na slowly moved away and asked, “Can you remember any of your firsts with me?” Dong Sun smiled and replied, “Of course I can, but I don’t think you want to hear them.” With a slight pout, Mi Na asked, “How would you know what I want to hear or not?” Staring intently at her, Dong Sun countered, “Are you sure that you want to hear about them?” Mi Na nodded her head and replied, “Yes, tell me now.” Dong Sun slightly paused before he said, “My firsts with you include: the first time I had to sleep in a strange girl’s car after fixing her tire, the first time I had to pretend to be a girl’s boyfriend to meet her father and also the first time …”

Interrupting him mid-sentence, Mi Na asked, “Those are the types of first times you remember?!” With a playful smile, Dong Sun replied, “Just let me finish.” Making as though she was going to walk away, Mi Na exclaimed, “No, I don’t want you to talk anymore.” Pulling her back, Dong Sun said, “You’ll want to hear this first time.” Staring at him in disbelief, Mi Na asked, “What is it then?” Moving in closer to her, Dong Sun replied, “It’s the first time that I ever told a girl that I love her.” Mi Na’s eyes widened as she heard Dong Sun proclaim, “Song Mi Na, I love you.”
Last Edit: 14 years 6 months ago by bianne ong.
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Re:Princess and the Pauper (In Progress) 14 years 7 months ago #2693

  • almontel
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“It’s the first time that I ever told a girl that I love her.” Mi Na’s eyes widened as she heard Dong Sun proclaim, “Song Mi Na, I love you.”

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...i love this part...kind of reminded me of the last ep on YB, when he hugged her and said he will say this everyday: Sarangheo.............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
how sweet!!
thank you!!!
Last Edit: 14 years 6 months ago by bianne ong.
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