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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119065

  • irene_xxvi
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New CF coming??? daebakkk!!!

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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119192

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Published on March 15, 2015 by Arirang TV.. "You're Beautiful" as one of Well-made dramas back in 2009, alongside "The Accidental Couple"..

:piggyrabbit :piggyrabbit :piggyrabbit

credit to arirang kpop
Last Edit: 9 years 10 months ago by jhen30.
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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119224

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:luvluv: :luvluv: :luvluv:



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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119397

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Just came across this news.....hmm i don't quite understand but I'm sure there will be news that will come out about it :)


Subject sports. Massachusetts ㅈㅅ [founded Special] 90 year old entertainment star, slip fall of the 'mainstream'.
Author XXX 308 Views 5 Comments
2015-03-20 08:42:20
183.96. *. *

Actress Park Shin Hye is one of the representative of a 90 year old. Following the topic of drama award. In character. S 'stood alone as a mainstream actress blowing yeontaseok home runs through the' blood. No-Key. Oh. Park Shin Hye Korean emerged as through the drama queen is a regular partner of the rising tide actor. A. Min. No. This. Species, such as seats are enjoying the most popular star boasted Park Shin Hye and glutinous rice cake chemistry. Herself, "Park Shin-hye is" 20 actors through the work they seem to meet all, "he'd say so. Park Shin Hye is starring 'award. In character.' And 'blood. No-Key. O' next month will be broadcast in Japan alongside. expected to enter into Hallyu Queen solidify popular in Japan soars more value.

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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119409

  • Nicole Park
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me too either sis jenzz ! i dont understand the article but i also know news regarding to this ( with clear trans) will go out, maybe few hours or later or tomorrow, we dont know...

<Take a look at Kpop Herald's TOP 4 articles!>

1. EXO to return with ‘Exodus’ on March 30

2. Yim Si-wan to star as military officer in new flick

3. Park Shin-hye looks adorable in pink

4. K-pop fan overcomes breast cancer with positive energy

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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119436

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this is quite old issue but elana got this !
스타의 인생곡선, 박신혜
Posted by 장서윤 입력 : 2013/12/27 14:10:31 수정 : 2013/12/31 14:57:03

“차근 차근 한 걸음씩 나아가고 있는 것 같아요”

‘데뷔 10년’ 이제 스물 넷의 끄트머리를 보내고 있는 이 여배우의 경력은 벌써 두 자리수를 넘어섰다. 만 열 셋이던 2003년 SBS ‘천국의 계단’ 최지우의 아역으로 전국민에게 눈도장을 확실하게 찍은 그는 올해 영화 ‘7번방의 선물’ SBS 드라마 ‘상속자들’로 연이은 히트를 기록하며 이제는 명실상부하게 20대 대표 여배우의 반열에 올라섰다.

실제 박신혜에게 느껴지는 기운은 여배우의 새초롬한 분위기보다는 건강함과 솔직함이다. 아역 배우로 데뷔해 10년을 풍파 많은 방송가에서 성장하는 것이 결코 쉽지는 않았을 터. 그럼에도 여전히 아이같이 해맑은 박신혜. 그의 인생 여정은 어떤 모양으로 펼쳐졌을까. 생김새처럼 정감 어린 글씨체로 써내려 간, 상승과 하락을 반복하면서 전진중인 그의 인생곡선을 쫓아가봤다.

2# 2013년, 배우로서 날개를 달다

“가장 큰 상승기를 꼽는다면 올해가 아닐까 싶어요. tvN ‘이웃집 꽃미남’의 고독미를 통해 연기적인 면에서 새로운 모습을 보여드렸고, 영화 ‘7번방의 선물’은 그야말로 선물같은 작품이었어요. 작은 역이었지만 극중 과거와 현재를 이어준 큰 예승 역할을 연기하면서 함께하는 것만으로도 좋았던 선배님들 사이에서 많이 배울 수 있었거든요. 마지막으로 SBS‘상속자들’의 은상이 역할로도 큰 사랑을 받았으니까요.”

올해 박신혜는 그간 노력한 결과와 행운을 양 손에 쥐었다. 주위에선 반신반의했지만 새로운 캐릭터에 대한 도전을 원해 선택한 ‘이웃집 꽃미남’, 비중이 크진 않았지만 제작진과의 오랜 인연으로 흔쾌히 출연한 영화 ‘7번 방의 선물’ 그리고 멜로 드라마 퀸의 면모를 보여 준 ‘상속자들’까지. 출연작 모두 다양한 모습을 보여주며 호평받았기 때문이다.

SBS '상속자들' 촬영 모습
SBS ‘상속자들’ 촬영 모습
작품 운도 분명히 따랐지만 오랜 시간 다져진 ‘연기 내공’이 뒷받침됐다는 데는 반문의 여지가 없다. 또 그만의 친화력있고 긍정적인 태도도 박신혜가 성인 연기자로 우뚝 서는 데 한 몫했음은 함께 연기한 배우들, 스태프의 평가 속에서도 확인할 수 있다.

그래서일까,’가장 행복했던 순간’을 묻는 질문엔 “없다”는 의미 심장한 답변이 돌아온다. “매 순간 감사하고 행복하고 싶어서 굳이 꼽고 싶지 않다”는 것.

# 아역에서 성인 연기자로, 짧지 않았던 성장통

긍정적인 마인드를 안고 사는 박신혜지만 짧지 않은 슬럼프 기간도 있었다. 아역에서 성인 연기자로 넘어가는 시기, 남들 못지 않은 혹독한 ‘성장통’의 시간을 겪어야만 했다.

“고등학교 2학년때부터 대학 1학년 때까지 정신적으로 힘들었던 시기였어요. ‘천국의 계단’ 이후 갑작스러운 관심과 기대가 어린 마음에는 감당하기 어려웠어요. 최연소 미니시리즈 여주인공도 맡았고 영화도 찍었지만 어린 나이에 어른스럽게 보여야 한다는 것, 흥행 스코어나 시청률에 대한 부담감을 느껴야 한다는 게 저를 고민하게 만들었던 때였죠. 대학 1학년이던 2008년에는 조금 숨을 고르고 있던 저와는 달리 왕성하게 연기활동을 하던 고아라, 김범, 김소은 같은 대학 동기들을 지켜보면서 약간 조바심이 들기도 했구요. 그땐 ‘아 나를 다시 찾아주는 사람이 있을까?’란 생각도 들었던 것 같아요.”

그러나 평범한 대학생으로서 일상에 집중해보자고 마음을 다잡은 그는 학업에 열중하며 슬럼프 기간을 묵묵히 견뎌낸 것 같다.

# SBS ‘미남이시네요’로 찾은 연기의 맛

6배우는 그저 작품으로 말한다고 했던가. 길었던 슬럼프를 이겨낸 힘도 결국 작품에 있었다. 2009년 만난 SBS 드라마 ‘미남이시네요’는 박신혜에게 새로운 돌파구가 됐다.

“(장)근석 오빠를 비롯한 또래 배우들과 호흡을 맞추면서 연기가 재미있다는 걸 새삼 다시 깨닫게 됐어요. 해외에서 많은 사랑을 받게 된 계기가 된 작품이기도 하구요. 이전의 제가 크고 헐렁했던 옷에 버거워했다면 ‘미남이시네요’를 시작으로 제 나이에 맞는 옷을 편안하게 입기 시작했던 것 같아요.”

당시 순진무구한 표정에 군대식 말투로 한류스타 황태경(장근석)을 따르는 고미녀 역할은 박신혜의 자연스러운 연기력이 덧입혀지면서 사랑스러운 분위기로 재탄생됐다. 경쟁작이었던 KBS2 ‘아이리스’의 선전에 시청률은 10%대에 머물렀지만 일본에서 큰 히트를 친 이 작품은 이후 박신혜의 연기 생활에 큰 발판이 됐다.

MBC '넌 내게 반했어' 촬영 모습
MBC ‘넌 내게 반했어’ 촬영 모습
물론 이후에도 크고 작은 굴곡이 없었던 것은 아니다. 2011년 MBC ‘넌 내게 반했어’ 촬영 당시에는 담당 PD가 교체된 데 이어 차량이 반파되는 교통사고를 당해 방송이 한 주 결방되는 사고를 맞기도 했다. 그래도 스스로는 어떤 어려움을 ‘힘들었다’고 단정짓고 싶지는 않다고.

“음… 어떠한 한 시기를 가장 슬프고 좌절했던 순간으로 단정짓고 싶지는 않아요. 물론 힘들었던 순간들이 없지는 않았어요.‘넌 내게 반했어’를 촬영할 땐 감독님이 바뀌고 교통사고도 당하고, 당황스럽고 견디기 힘든 순간이 있었죠. 그렇지만 돌이켜보면 슬프고 힘들었던 시간 속에도 즐거웠던 순간은 분명 존재했고 또 그 경험들이 저에게 소중한 밑거름이 되어주고 있다고 믿어요.”

# 테크노댄스에 빠졌던 초등학생 시절


어린 시절의 박신혜
어린 시절의 박신혜
얘기를 쭉 듣다 보니 2004년 이승환 ‘물어본다’ 뮤직비디오 속에서 레게머리의 소녀 댄서로 나왔던 박신혜의 모습이 떠오른다. 몇번이고 연습해보지만 잘 되지 않는 동작에 한숨을 내쉬다 다시 벌떡 일어나 결국 해내고 마는 그 아이. 어린시절 박신혜도 그런 모습이었다고. 웬만해선 기죽지 않고 하고 싶은 일은 스스로 해 내고 마는 강단진 면은 타고난 성품이다.

‘나무자전거’로 활동한 가수 박신원의 여동생이기도 한 박신혜는 어린 시절부터 춤과 노래에 재능을 보였다. 초등학생 시절 친구들과 테크노 댄스에 빠져 살던 박신혜는 우연한 기회에 가수 이승환이 운영하는 기획사 드림팩토리와 인연을 맺게 됐다.

이후 드림팩토리에서 노래, 춤, 연기 등을 정식으로 트레이닝받은 후 2003년 이승환의 ‘꽃’ 뮤직비디오로 데뷔, 2003년 SBS ‘천국의 계단’의 어린 한정서 역으로 캐스팅되면서 본격적으로 연기자 활동을 시작했다. 원래 가수 데뷔를 목표로 준비했지만 어린 시절 갈고 닦은 춤과 노래 실력은 연기자로서 다양한 모습을 보여주는 데 큰 보탬이 되고 있다.

그렇게 10년. 이제는 어린 티를 벗고 주목받는 20대 여배우로 우뚝 성장한 그는 내년에는 좀더 많은 팬들과 호흡하고 싶다.

“올해는 제겐 한여름밤의 꿈같은 한 해였어요. ‘상속자들’ 마지막 촬영 때 무척 고마운 마음에 펑펑 울었는데 매해 그런 마음으로 마무리할 수 있으면 좋겠죠. 인생곡선도 오르막 내리막을 반복하겠지만, 매년 1cm씩만 성장하는 저였으면 좋겠어요.”

글. 장서윤 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
편집. 강소은 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 최진실 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
사진제공. 솔트엔터테인먼트

<ⓒ “텐아시아” 무단전재 재배포금지>

[size=5I WILL JUST SEPARATE THE TRANSLATION GUYS. i cant post too many words :)][/size]
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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119437

  • Nicole Park
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Life of the star, Park Shin Hye


'Debut 10 years' experience in the actress now has to spend the end of the twenty-four already surpassed the two-digit number. But he was taken to ensure the the nation as "Stairway to Heaven" a child of Choi Thirteen SBS 2003 which was a series of hit records with 'Miracle in Cell No. 7' SBS drama 'the heirs' 20s and now this year it truly movie climbed to the rank of representatives actress.


Park Shin Hye is a comforting feel to the actual wholesome and atmosphere of openness rather than an actress. Debuted as a child actor hardships for 10 years to grow in many bangsongga would emitter is never easy. Yet still Park Shin Hye as a child. His journey will unfold into any shape. Feeling like a likeness between young lettering in, while repeating the rise and fall of his life chasing are forward curve.


Park Shin Hye year grasped the meantime efforts result in both hands and good luck. In dubious about, but I want to challenge for the new characters, select 'Flower Boys Next Door', but willingly share of very big movie starring a long-standing relationship with the crew, seven gifts of the room, and gave to show the face of melodrama queen 'heirs up '. Chulyeonjak because we received acclaim both show the different aspects.


There is no luck, but obviously the work of a mottled There followed a long time trodden 'smoke pitting' dwaetdaneun backed. Another positive attitude and his own affinity for Park Shin Hye is also a role haeteum to stand alone as an adult actor is an actor who played along with, you can even see the evaluation of staff.

Is so, ask the 'happiest moment' questions, "no" is the answer comes back pregnant. "I want to thank every moment and do not want to bother cite happy" to have.
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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119438

  • kimloveeun
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Sister Nicole,
Will waiting your translations.
Komawo Sister.

Love is You.
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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119439

  • Nicole Park
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# From a child to an adult actor, was short growing pains
Hold a positive mindset was also short lived, but not slump Park Shin Hye period. Time will pass to adult actor in a child, and the time of others gyeokeoyaman harsh-looking 'growing pains'.


"From the 11th grade when freshman was mentally difficult time to time. The sudden interest and expectation after 'Stairway to Heaven' He was hard to bear, the young mind. The youngest mini-series heroine, but that it also took on the film also took an adult look carefully at a young age I was when I show the game that made me think very hard for me to feel the pressure on the ratings. Which was freshman in 2008, Go Ara was a bit unlike me who was taking a breath vigorously acting career, Kim Bum, a little impatiently watched as Kim So-eun was gonna pick a university alumni. MD 'What is man that finds me back ah? "What I think I also thought I heard."



But as an ordinary college student, do it now concentrate on the daily catch all the hearts he seems to be involved in the study and silently endured the slump period.

# SBS 'You're Beautiful' as the taste of the smoke found
Did I learn just telling the work. Gileotdeon overcome the slump was also eventually work force. Met in 2009 SBS drama "You're Beautiful" was a breakthrough for Park Shin Hye.

"(Chapter), you geunseok aligning breath with peers actors, including the brother that's been acting funny again realize anew. Zest also works with the instruments that receive a lot of love in the world. If I beogeowo the previous big baggy clothes that 'You're Beautiful' to begin with I think I started to dress comfortably fit my age. "

Beauty and follow Hallyu star hwangtaegyeong (Jang Geun Suk) to look innocent at the time of the military parlance role was reborn as a lovely atmosphere clothed fleeting As a natural acting of Park Shin Hye. Competition was to promote viewership of KBS2 'Iris' is 10% have paid to stay in a friendly work a big hit in Japan, was a big stepping stone for Park Shin Hye acting career after.
Of course, even after the big and small could not bend. 2011 MBC 'Heartstrings' following a shooting at the time was also in charge of PD is the replacement fit for an accident in a car accident the vehicle is half-wave broadcasting is one weeks gyeolbang. But by itself is 'difficult' and I do not want to have any difficulties for granted.

"Well ... I do not want any one time at the moment for granted that frustration is most sad. Of course, I did not have difficult moments, without reason. Being also 'Heartstrings' coach accident when changing shooting, I was embarrassed seureopgo unbearable moment. In retrospect, however, a sad moment had fun even in difficult times was certainly believe that there will again give that experience is a valuable foundation for me. "

# Fell elementary school techno dance
I listen to talk all the time "and ask" 2004 turned out to Park Shin Hye Lee Seung Hwan appearance of reggae dancer girl hair floats in the music video. Haeboji practice again and again only exhale a sigh again stood up to Obama and the child behavior is not well done eventually. Park Shin Hye childhood also was in such good shape. Jean tolerable for yourself if what you want to do rolling out to the pulpit seafood gijukji is innate character.

Park Shin Hye Park Shin-won also the sister of singer who worked as a "tree bicycle" showed a talent for singing and dancing since childhood. Park Shin Hye elementary school friends who lived out in the techno dance, was entered into the agency Dream Factory and ties to singer Lee Seung Hwan operating by chance.

Later in the dream factory, singing, dancing, acting, etc. After receiving formal training debut with 'Flowers' Lee Seung Hwan music video of 2003, 2003, SBS started work as a full-fledged actor cast as the young at Termini limitation of the 'Stairway to Heaven' said. Dancing and singing debut in preparing the original target, but childhood has been a great boon polished to show the different aspects as a performer.

So 10 years. Now take off your little tea grown tall as 20 aspiring actress he wants to breathe and more fans next year.

"This year was a year to me like A Midsummer Night's Dream. 'Heirs' last shot when eotneunde peongpeong sounded very grateful if you can finish each year in mind that heart feels the community might be better served. Although life curves repeat the uphill downhill, I hope that the growing annually yeoteumyeon thing each 1cm. "

Article. Chapter seoyun This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Edited. Jiangsu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Choi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Photos provided. Salt Entertainment

<Ⓒ "Ten Asian" reprint redistribution prohibited "


I AM SORRY GUYS, i didnt make the translations, its my cousin here Lee hwang ! i turned to her well, she knows more. anything you dont understand , can ask me of it.!

im sorry again :) :heartsh: :heartsh: :heartsh:

:-V :-V :-V
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[NEWS STORIES] About PARK SHIN HYE - Various 9 years 10 months ago #119545

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Thanks sis @nicole for the posts :)





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