aww *hugs sunshine*
I hope theres a good reason for your friends to ditch you like that & I hope you don't get sick!!!!
I just read Shinhye's CY entry.. it's really touching.
We always tends to forget about how greatful we are, that we are better off than millions and millions of others in this world. It makes me so sad that sometimes I don't appreciate things enough.
Lets try to all battle through our adversities because we are all in a better place.
Ellis: yeh we are in the same situation - but we got to push through!! No one can save us but ourselves, so we should persevere!! I do believe that all the hardship we face in life makes us a better person! Lets help each other get through our hardships!!
Sorry that I can't contribute much insight into work related things =[
I always tell my friends who has problems with their work - like you are getting paid to do the job - so just do it and don't think about it when you get off work. But that's so hard to do especially with the 'competitive' and 'manipulative' nature of the corporate workforce.
I'm working (part time) in a small firm and there were a few times my boss will send an email blaming me on xxx n yyy issues. Usually - I get upset but I still reply back to her. First, I apologise for the stuff that I didn't really do (she likes to make a big deal out of a small thing) then I explain my part of the story. I think just by apologising to her makes her feel a bit better - but the email is just apologising for something that I didn't do. LOL.
Sometimes it takes a couple of days to stop getting upset by getting told off but I just let it go and get over it. My boss and I still have a good relationship. =)
Sometimes I wish the world is full of nice and friendly people, unfortunately the world doesn't work that way.
I'm so happy that I can find you guys here~ I really feel like this is like my 2nd family! =)