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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76799

  • nzida
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That's the sad part about the Korean industry. If you're famous, u tend to get an advantage. And Yoona and Suzy has that much of an advantage when they are nowhere near Shinhye's skill as an actress (at least the other actors still smiled when Shinhye won, but the same cannot be said for Suzy when she won Top Excellence. I saw some captures of the other actors frowning and looking grim). It also has to do with luck and I hope Shinye will continue with her lucky streak onto next year and going forward.

And i'm extremely happy that Minshin was the only Best Couple! Did u know KBS gave best couple to 5 couples! It made Minshin more special. At first I though it's because TMS couple was incomplete (GHJ was absent) that's why only Minshin won. But thinking again the IHYV couple was there and they were equally popular as the TMS couple based on SBS votes, so why didn't they win? Was it because Minshin's votes were really high? What about previous years? Last year 2 couples won I think.

Minshin was simply adorable during the awards. Minho was all happy, shy and giddy. Shinhye was all shy and happy too. Minoz have been saying Minho was just being a gentleman to Shinhye as he thinks her as a sister. U can fake a smile but can u fake pure happiness? Coz that's what i saw during the awards. And for someone who doesn't want any scandals, he sure acted the opposite. They could have just linked arms like what most winners do, but they held hands. And he could have just stood up and clapped for her, but nooooo he had to give her a hug.

I was slightly disappointed when Shinhye didn't stand up for the ONLY guy who stood up for her when she won the Excellence actress award. She stood up for the other winners anyway, so why not her co-star. But i understand that she was playing safe.

Sorry for my ramblings, i just wanted the thread to be active hehe
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76800

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@ sis glennieluvshinhye: I am in fact a professional worker in the medical profession and I am also older than Shin Hye but I still love her. That's why I don't care about the bashers. If they think they can beat me status wise, bring it on! :)

It's OK to not like a particular actor. that case, don't watch their shows. That's what I do. if I don't like a star, I won't bash them. I just choose not to watch their dramas is all.

Sis Nzida is right! I just checked the awards show again. Ji Hoon was wearing a grey suit!!
Last Edit: 11 years 1 month ago by Mandy.
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76809

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OMG, I didn't even see your message sis nzida until now.

I absolutely agree. These days, it seems you just need to be an idol and automatically, you will win big as an actor. That's why dramas these days are dominated with idols. Go back a decade ago, and you would hardly see an idol in a drama, and if YOU DID, they would start from the very bottom.

Suzy winning top excellence is a joke. How old is she and she's already won? Shes not even 20 yet. So I can understand why the other actors wouldn't agree. That's just ridiculous. No comment. I think what made it even more special for Shin Hye was she won Excellence Actress with the very station where she won Child Star 10 years ago. What a great way to celebrate her 10th year in the industry. I think a lot of people know her from her role in STH and a lot of veteran actors have seen her grow and mature over the last 10 years and get to where she is now. That's why this award is all the more special to SHin Hye and us fans, especially to me. I wish I could give her a hug and tell her good job. I even wished for a moment that Min Ho would run up there and hug her but that would be most inappropriate. I am glad those tears were out of joy and not sadness. It makes it all the more special for her. As for Suzy's case, if she feels she can win these awards so easily, she will never cherish it and take it for granted. However, I know that some PD's aren't blind and can differentiate between the top actors and the ones that are just riding the idol wave. I know that Min Ho once commented that he found idols had it easy too as actors because they are already popular and I can see where is coming from because he too, had to work his way up to where he is now. Just remember, the one difference between Shin Hye and Suzy: Shin Hye is respected for her abilities by her colleague veteran actors, but Suzy won't because she has not worked for it. Also, Shin Hye's colleague actors are actually HAPPY for her but as you pointed out, that's not the case for Suzy. Shin Hye, to this day, remains humble and respectful to her sunbaes. Even to Min Ho, she shows so much respect calling him Min Ho oppa even though she is his sunbae. :touched

SBS is pretty stingy for couples. They always only hand out one, but if they gave it to more than one, then it would be so meaningless. That's why EunTan couple is so special, and I am sure their votes blew the other couples out of the water. I don't particularly find Lee Jong Suk-Lee Bo Young couple that appealing. LBY is too old for LJS. LJS is literally a kid with her. And I don't think SBS has ever awarded 2 couple awards. I think it only ever awarded 2 Top Excellence Awards in 2011 to Lee Min Ho and Ji Sung because both series City Hunter and Who's The Boss were extremely popular.

As for MinHye interactions, I do think Shin Hye is being careful as she always is with her male co-stars. I think she is especially cautious with Min Ho because Minoz fans are NUTS!! I really would not want Shin Hye to be subjected to his fans' psychoticness. And yes, I feel she tried to restrain herself as much as possible. Like I said, Min Ho initiated all the skinship throughout the night. I think Shin Hye was also unsure if it would be OK to do that either. You can tell that she was particularly restraining during the Romeo and Juliet gig. I don't think she expected the host to tease her further so that is why she quickly let go of Min Ho's hand and went back to her seat. She was totally pulling a Cha Eun Sang.

I think the actors only stood up for the senior actors. Not everyone got a standing ovation. I don't think Min Ho did either. Lol. Someone here noted that Min Ho was looking at Shin Hye's direction when he won Top Excellence. I think he might have been hoping Shin Hye would hug him but remember from her interview, she is one to wait and not pursue!

Anyways, sis nzida, if you want to continue to rant, go for it by all means. I love talking about Min Hye.
Last Edit: 11 years 1 month ago by Mandy.
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76810

  • elankham
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My dearest Sisters,
thanks so much for best conversation having in this thread esp Sis Mandy, Nzida, Almontel, Glennie and the rest.
It's really make my busy day today. Only can read during lunch hour.. too bad,

Sis Mandy, let say if Shin Hye stood up, do you think Min Ho will aproach and hug her again?

When I saw they are holding hand to the stage, it's like a continuation from HEIRS where the couple wear the wedding attire and walking to altar.... hehehe too much dreaming in the afternoon.

Good Day everyone.

Can you all sister continue ramblings, I enjoyed reading it. Hope many will join us rambling here.
Take care.

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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76811

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Sis Mandy, so many things i want to comment on your latest post:

" .. I even wished for a moment that Min Ho would run up there and hug her but that would be most inappropriate" - But he did hug her sis Mandy! although not on stage but that's good enough hehe

"..SBS is pretty stingy for couples. They always only hand out one, but if they gave it to more than one, then it would be so meaningless. " - touche! It's THE Best Couple, so that applies to one only. It's meaningless to give to many couples ait?

".. I don't particularly find Lee Jong Suk-Lee Bo Young couple that appealing. LBY is too old for LJS. LJS is literally a kid with her." - 100% agree..Enough of the Noona-dongsaeng love story/pairing. 1/2 years older is ok but more than 5 is a no-no

Sis elana, i think if Shinhye had stood up Minho would go and hug her (i'm 75% sure of this). The first time i watched it seemed like Minho turned his body towards Shinye, but maybe after i watched it again i might have a diff view, who knows?

And should i say So Ji Sub looked like MinHye's greatest admirer? He was all smiles every time Min-Hye was teased
Last Edit: 11 years 1 month ago by nzida.
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76813

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Sis nzida and sis elana: If Shin Hye stood up, I think Min Ho would have hugged her. I still think he quickly glanced in her direction just to make sure. I can't imagine her doing that though...lol.

EDIT: Yes, I noticed that So Ji Sub was enjoying all the MinHye moments. Remember that Shin Hye was in his video?
Last Edit: 11 years 1 month ago by Mandy.
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76814

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AND this is Shin Hye's acceptance speech. Sorry, I have the video but I've downloaded it so I don't know how I can upload it. You gals may just need to watch the video and read at the same time.I think I know now why the host favors Shin Hye....lol. Sorry if I got some names wrong.

Host as SH walking up the stage comments, "Park Shin Hye has won quite a few awards today. Congratulations! 2013 is really Shin Hye's year.

SH Acceptance Speech:

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Host: Very beautiful. I feel the closenss. Very beautiful. I know the person who worked with Shin Hye for 9 years. He indeed works hard and has quietly supported her. Finally, his hard work has paid off. Congratulations once again.

I haven't heard anyone thank so many people. Her whole speech is all about thanking others. She is sooo humble. Such a courteous girl. Reason why I love her so much. :bingo:
Last Edit: 11 years 1 month ago by elankham.
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76821

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sis Mandy I love uuuuuu! Now that's a full translation if i ever see one
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76825

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More full translations coming! Glad you sisters love it! Sis Maris, I hope you like it too!
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Re: MinHye (LEE MINHO & PARK SHIN HYE) 11 years 1 month ago #76828

  • elankham
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Dear Sisters,
do you notice both of them are almost tears while listening the acceptance speech from each of them.


Shin Hye while LMH acceptance speech.


LMH while PSH accceptance speech.

please rewind the video for confirm... hehehehe.
I worried it's only my illusion...:blush: :blush: :blush:
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