Live from Hong Kong....
Q: How would you rate Song Hye Kyo in doctor's outfit?
Song Joong Ki: Pretty. Very Pretty (In Chinese).
A gift from Song Jong Ki and Song Hye Kyo to the fans
Song Joong Ki: I prefer wearing the army suit in the drama as it makes me feel more comfortable and confident.
Song Joong Ki: We would like to try good food in HK, please introduce some delicious food to us!
Song Hye Kyo: We didn't expect this amount of support & are very thankful. Do also support the other roles in DOTS as well!
Song Hye Kyo: I visit HK often & my friends here treat me to good food. Today we'll probably have a good dinner w/ the staff.
Q: How's production-b4-broadcast diff from usual? SJK: There's more time to think; I'm personally satisfied with the results.
Q: How do you look so pretty? Song Hye Kyo: It's thanks to the makeup artist~ I do skincare & visit skincare centres often.
Q: As you were just discharged from the army, did it help with filming? SongJoongKi: It did, it was similar to the way it's done in the army
Q: Most memorable part during DOTS filming? Song Joong Ki: Scenery in Greece was beautiful, especially the colour of the sea.
Upon their arrival...
cr Viu Singapore